9. Resources on Minimizing Money's Role in Politics

We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both! 
- Justice Louis Brandeis

* HERE -  Public Financing of Campaigns 

HERE - The Secret Power Behind Local Elections (6/25/16)
* HERE - How Much Dark $$ is being funneled into our Democracy?
* HERE - US Politics Are Rigged, It's Time for a Small-Donor Revolution.
* HERE - Money in Politics by Lawrence Lessig in Sierra Magazine (8/16)
Chart on Growth of Family Income from 1947

Dark Money: The Hidden History of Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer - HERE (5) 
Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress - and a Plan to Stop It by Lawrence Lessig - HERE (19)

* Nation on the Take: How Big Money Corrupts Our Democracy and What We Can Do About it by Nick Penniman and Wendell Potter (2016) - HERE!

PA United to Amend Update - (2/5/21)

We’ve been talking with key state representatives and senators to lay the groundwork for 
introducing our measure that works through state legislatures with the aim of amending 
the U.S. Constitution to allow states to regulate election-campaign finance. We’ve secured 
prime sponsors in the Senate (can’t name them yet) and are close to doing the same in 
the House. 

Videos and Documentaries
* Video on Public Financing of Elections from Public Citizen. (3)
* Video - How other countries keep money out of politics. (3)
* Video - Lawrence Lessig TED Talk: We the People and the Republic we must reclaim (18)
* Video - Wealth Inequality in America (6) - underlying reason for our problems.
* Video - Wealth Inequality Explained in Two Minutes
* Documentary - We Are Not Broke (81)
* Video - Jim Hightower on Why we need public financing of elections! (5)
* Video - Corruption is legal in America (5)