6. Important Videos on Good Government Reform

We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both! 
- Justice Louis Brandeis

Here are some excellent good government videos that you might find helpful. Please share with others in your organizations and email groups.

Vide(61) - PA Legislature 101 is a great look at how the legislature works and how to lobby on good government and other issues.
Video (18) - 'Dysfunctional by Design: Are They Representing Us' is a Fair Districts PA video on how the legislative rules of the PA House and Senate are not fair or democratic and make sure the public voice is not heard.
Video (75) - '
Against All Odds: The Fight for a Black Middle Class' - Acclaimed journalist Bob Herbert explores the often heroic efforts of black families to pursue the American dream in the face of unrelenting barriers. (PBS special)
Video (60) - The Broken US Senate and How to Fix It.
Video (2) - The Filibuster and Why It is Super Racist
Video (6) - How Corporations Became So Powerful
Video (4) - History of Public Funding of Elections
Video (4) - 10 Steps to Save American Democracy with Robert Reich
Video (2) - Great explanation of gerrymandering 
Video (6) - Fixing Congress with the Fair Representation Act
Video (5) - Winner take all elections is the root of the dysfunction in government.
Video (120) - Power and Money in America
Video (60) - Senate Power vs The Majority
Video (6) - SUPPRESSED 2021
Video (4) - FairVote on Rank Choice Voting


This page on the website "Stand Up 4 Democracy" has a list of articles, videos, and books on repairing of dsyfunctional democracy.

For specific resources on our five critical area of focus. See page 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 on this website.